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From Idea to Design
October 2020
Sam Crichton
Jules de Cock
Mae-Yin Chan
Extra Material
The goal of this project was to design a physical-digital hybrid educational game. In a time span of eight weeks, we went through multiple design cycles and created “BrailleBox”.
The goal of the game is to finish with as many points as possible. To earn points you must find the right answer on the BrailleBox. Each round has a 30 second time limit to earn points. The quicker you answer, the more seconds are left over, which you will earn in points. To give your answer, you must place the BrailleBox down on a flat surface with your chosen answer facing upwards. Watch out! When you put the BrailleBox down for 3 seconds or longer your answer will count and you cannot change it.
Braille Box can be played by beginners or experts in Braille! It will give both visually impaired and non impaired people the same fair starting level, so there is no disadvantage. That’s why it’s suitable for both parties and creates inclusiveness.
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