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In my final bachelor project, I had the opportunity to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills I acquired throughout my courses and electives. One of the most important lessons I learned was how to take the lead as an industrial designer and effectively manage the design process using the methods I had learned. By being proactive and taking ownership of the project, I was able to address uncertainties and guide the team towards successful outcomes. This experience significantly shaped my design identity by showing me what the multidisciplinary role of the designer is. I realised that my responsibility extended beyond creating tangible products to managing the overall process, facilitating collaboration among experts, and ensuring the project remained focused on user-centred design principles and innovative solutions.
Reflecting on this project, I believe it served as a culmination of my acquired knowledge throughout my bachelor. I successfully applied various design methods and tools, such as brainstorming and development techniques, research interpretation, and establishing a strong theoretical foundation. Adopting a user-centred approach, I interacted with users, incorporating their feedback into the design process (User & Society). I created different types of prototypes and concepts to convey aesthetics, explore materials and shapes, and provide experiential insights. Whether through visual prototypes like sketches and 3D models or physical prototypes to enhance user experiences, I used my prototyping skills to a great extent (Creativity & Aesthetics). I used my coding and electronics knowledge to develop interactive prototypes, integrating technology into the design (Technology & Realisation). Furthermore, I explored existing products, analysed competitors, and ensured that our product delivered additional value aligned with the needs of our target group (Business & Entrepreneurship).
While I applied skills in various expertise areas throughout the FBP, the only area that did not find direct relevance was math, data, and computing. Given the short design process, prioritising its use was not necessary. However, I am aware of the importance of data analysis and quantitative interpretation in the later stages of concept development, particularly when more user tests and data collection are conducted. Throughout my bachelor, I have had a lot of experience handling large datasets using Python and Excel, and I am confident in my ability to use these skills effectively when required. See for example the report and the reflection from the course Data Acquisition and Visualisation Through Embodied Sensors.

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